For Lutherans, worship stands at the center of our life of faith.
Here at Zion, we would typically have a single worship service each Sunday at 9:00am, and it would include Holy Communion every week.
Our worship services will reflect a traditional Lutheran liturgy taken from the Lutheran Book of Worship and With One Voice hymnals as well as some hymns from Evangelical Lutheran Worship.
In keeping with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America’s (ELCA) Sacramental Principals, all baptized Christians who acknowledge the real presence of Christ in the bread and cup are welcome to take part in communion.
Through God’s word, the waters of baptism, the bread and cup of the Eucharist, we are forgiven of our sins, nurtured in faith, and sent out into the world. Our response to worship is ministry, which brings good into all of creation.
The ELCA mission statement is ‘God’s Work, Our Hands.’ We can always use another pair of hands to worship God and serve his people.
Please join us in worship and serving others!
Worship Service Bulletin 3/30/2025
Worship Service Bulletin 3/23/2025
Worship Service Bulletin 3/16/2025
Worship Service Bulletin 3/9/2025
Worship Servvice Bulletin 3/2/2025
Special Event