Weekly News Items


Welcome to Zion! We hope you will join us for worship (Sundays at 9:00AM). After worship, you are invited to a time of fellowship with coffee and snacks in the social hall directly beside the sanctuary.

Communion is offered every Sunday. Wine and apple juice are both available.

Rev. Paul Haack will be leading worship throughout the Advent season.

Offering envelopes for 2025 are now available at the back of the sanctuary. If you don’t currently have offering envelopes, but would like some for 2025, please contact Brenda in the office at 717-235-3276 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

There will be a Christmas Eve service at Zion on Tuesday, 12/24 at 7pm.

At 10:45pm on Christmas Eve, there will be a free indoor Glen Rock Carolers concert at Zion.

Time is running out to purchase a limited edition print of the Glen Rock Carolers singing in front of Zion Lutheran Church.

Prints will be available for sale on Saturday, 12/21 at the Glen Rock Hose & Ladder Co. Santa Breakfast from 8am-noon.

Prints will also be available Christmas Eve at Zion Lutheran Church before worship at 7pm, and between worship and the Glen Rock Carolers concert at 10:45pm. You can also contact the church office at 717-235-3276 to set up a time to stop in the office on Thursday - 12/19, Friday- 12/20, Monday- 12/23, or Tuesday- 12/24 from 10:30am - 2pm.

CHRISTMAS… a time for giving and sharing!  The Christian Education Committee will, once again, be collecting Gifts of Warmth this year (hats, scarves, mittens, etc) to adorn the Christmas tree which is set up in the Upstairs Fellowship Hall. The tree will be available for your donations through January 3, 2025. Donations for children, teens, women, and men are greatly appreciated!  All donations will be delivered to nonprofit organizations in the York area at the end of the collection period. Questions may be directed to any member of the committee:  Jeff Hoffman, Pam Hoffman, Evelyn Roser, Pam Spangler, Bev Reindollar (Chair). As we prepare for the birth of our Savior, let us remember the true spirit of the season and share God’s bountiful blessings.

Have you been pulling out your cold weather clothes and outerwear since the temperatures started dropping? Please consider donating your unwanted coats, sweatshirts, and sweaters to Coats of Friendship. A box is available in the church social hall for your donations.

The Loose Change offering plate is available every Sunday. At the end of the month, the total collected for that month will be sent to the chosen organization. Our loose change collection for December will benefit the New Freedom Senior Center. Their primary mission is to establish and maintain a senior center by providing programs to facilitate the social, emotional, cultural, economic and physical well-being of senior citizens regardless of race, religion or nationality.

Announcements for the weekly bulletin are due to the office by early Tuesday morning so bulletin work can be completed by the end of the day on Tuesday. This schedule allows time for the bulletin to be sent to the presiding pastor for the upcoming week, and allows the website committee time to post the bulletin on Zion’s website. Announcements can be emailed to Brenda at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Services are recorded and streamed live each week on Zion Lutheran Church’s Facebook page. It is possible during the recording that people attending the service will be filmed.  If you have any concerns about being filmed, please contact the office at 717-235-3276.