Weekly News Items


Welcome to Zion! We are glad you are here today. After worship, you are invited to a time of fellowship with coffee and snacks in the social hall directly beside the sanctuary.

Communion is offered every Sunday. Wine and apple juice are both available. All are welcome.

Services are recorded and streamed live each week on Zion Lutheran

Church’s Facebook page. It is possible during the recording that people attending the service will be filmed.  If you have any concerns about being filmed, please contact the office at 717-235-3276.

Sunday we welcome Rev. Angela Zimmann to lead us in worship.

Orders for Easter flowers are due Sunday, 3/30.

If you would like to sponsor altar or high altar flowers, contact Brenda in the office.

Do you have a stash of plastic Easter eggs you are no longer using? Please consider donating them to the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt. Your donations can be given to any of Zion’s members of the Partnership Committee – Edgar and Brenda Davis, Jeff and Pam Hoffman

As we continue through the Lenten season, there is now a self-guided Stations of the Cross around the church building. This series of pictures and bible passages depict key moments in Jesus’ journey to the cross. The journey begins at the corner of Hanover Street and Water Street where you can either use a paper printout or follow along on your cell phone using the QR code provided. There is also a kid friendly printout available too.

There will be food and snacks available for purchase at the Trivia Time fundraiser. If you are willing to donate a dessert that can be portioned out for sale, please let Brenda Davis know what you will be donating.

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events:

  • Mid-week Community Lenten Service, Wednesday, 3/26 at 7pm at Immanuel UMC, 1 New St, Glen Rock
  • Mid-week Community Lenten Service, Wednesday, 4/2 at 7pm at Zion Lutheran Church, 47 Hanover St, Glen Rock
  • Glen Rock Library Benefit Concert at Zion on Saturday, 4/5 at 2pm – local musicians and choirs will be performing, a free will offering will be collected
  • Trivia Time Fundraiser at Zion on Sunday, 4/6 from 4-6pm- will benefit local food pantries, teams of up to six people welcome, $5/person or 5 food items/person entrance fee, food, drinks and snacks will be available for additional purchase, if you would like to volunteer to help in the kitchen or make a dessert for the event see Brenda Davis
  • Mid-week Community Lenten Service, Wednesday, 4/9 at 7pm at Christ Lutheran Church, 105 S Main St, Shrewsbury
  • Palm Sunday service at Zion on 4/13 at 9am
  • April 17, 2025, Maundy Thursday meal in Zion’s social hall from 5:30-6:30pm – ham and green beans, sides and desserts
  • April 17, 2025 Maundy Thursday service at Zion at 7pm
  • Good Friday – self guided Stations of the Cross around Zion’s church building – all day
  • Easter Egg Hunt for all ages on Saturday, 4/19 at 10:30am, event will be held at Friedensaal Lutheran Church, this is a joint venture between Zion, Friedensaal, and Christ Loganville
  • April 20, 2025 at 6:45am, Easter Sunrise Service at Immanuel UMC cemetery, near 306 Church St, Glen Rock
  • April 20, 2025, 9am, Easter Service at Zion
  • Joint Worship & Church Picnic at Friedensaal Lutheran Church on Sunday, 6/1. More details will be made available later, this is a joint venture between Zion, Friedensaal, and Christ Loganville
  • Glen Rock Library Book Sale at Zion on Saturday, June 7th, while the Glen Rock Arts & Brew Fest is taking place, more details will be made available later
  • Confirmation for Jake, Sam, and Henry on Pentecost Sunday, June 8th during the 9am worship, Pastor Doug DeStephano will be preaching, Friedensaal and Christ Loganville congregations will be joining Zion for this celebration
  • Joint worship & meal on Sunday, July 6th at Zion – Friedensaal, Christ Loganville, Salem Jacobus, St Paul Hametown, and Zion will be worshiping and sharing fellowship over a meal together to wrap up the Fourth of July weekend, more details will be made available later.

Services are recorded and streamed live each week on Zion Lutheran Church’s Facebook page. It is possible during the recording that people attending the service will be filmed.  If you have any concerns about being filmed, please contact the office at 717-235-3276.

The Loose Change offering plate is available every Sunday. At the end of the month, the total collected for that month will be sent to the chosen organization. Our loose change collection for March will benefit the Arthur Hufnagel Glen Rock Public Library. The library has been closed for over a year due to repairs needed to the building. To date, $100,000 of the $140,000 goal set has been raised through donations and fundraisers.

Announcements for the weekly bulletin are due to the office by early Tuesday morning so bulletin work can be completed by the end of the day on Tuesday. This schedule allows time for the bulletin to be sent to the presiding pastor for the upcoming week and allows the website committee time to post the bulletin on Zion’s website. Announcements can be emailed to Brenda at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..