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Events Calendar

Annual Congregational Picnic
Sunday 28 July 2019, 11:15am - 01:00pm
Hits : 288
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Contact Bev Reindollar

Zion picnic 4 2018It’s time to mark your calendar to attend the annual congregational picnic on Sunday, July 28, 2019, at Goodling Park in Loganville. Worship will begin at 11:15 AM, followed by lunch at noon. The menu includes chicken BBQ, baked potatoes, cole slaw, applesauce, and rolls. Hot dogs will also be available. Donations of cakes/pies/cookies would be greatly appreciated.  Following lunch there will be time for games, Bingo, and Carman’s ice cream.  Please bring a place setting for each person in your group– plate, knife, fork, spoon, napkins.  Donation boxes will be available in the building, which is air conditioned, to help defray the  cost of the food.

For those participating in bingo, we ask that you bring a wrapped gift, noting whether it is for a man, woman, or child.

The sign-up sheet for this annual event will be available on the table in the back of the Upstairs Fellowship Area beginning June 23.  Questions may be directed to any member of the Christian Education Committee– Lois Goodling, Bill Ream, Gloria Ream, Jim Ream, Bev Reindollar, Chair, Evelyn Roser, or Pam Spangler.

Location Goodling Park in Loganville